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Nikki Hassman:Spy Extrordinaire
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Nikki Hassman:Spy Extrordinaire
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Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Whose line is it anyway::A tribute to Cherie

My longest and best fanfic!

Nikki Hassman:Spy Extraordinaire


Nikki Hassman(Spy Extraordinaire)-Nick@Nite

Secret Agent Michael Passons-Mr.P

Private Eye Wilson-Fox

Mission Operationist Janna Long-Long Run

Weapon's and Arms Operationst Cherie Adams-Cher

Comical Relief Operationist Jody McBrayer-Jo-D

Bad Guys

Guy in Charge of bad guys-Papa John

Vice President dude-Low-Z

Spy Dude Michael W.Smith-Smitty

Other Spy Chik Jaci Valasquez-Jack

In-Between Guys

Secret Informationist-Steven Curtis Chapman-Cookie

Street Vender Greg Long-Hot Dog

Mission-Locate and retrieve Nikki's single trial release for her first album.

Part I

*Scene-Hassman and Passons enter mission operationist,Long's office for their assignment*

Hassman-Ahh,Janna.I see you finally got something higher than a minor role in this story.

Long-Not really.This is actually my only major scene.Well,as you both know Hassman's one and only trial release cd has been stolen by the bad guys.

Passons-And who might the bad guys be Long?

Long-Well,we know Papa John is in charge of it all.As for who's behind him,we havn't the faintest idea.Probably someone we know.

Hassman-That's really comforting.It could be anybody!But anyway,where do we start?

Long-We have a hunch from a reliable scource that you should begin your search in New York City.I'll give you more details later.But before you leave,stop by Cher's for your gadgets.

*Hassman and Passons exit.They arrive at Cherie's "work".They step inside*

Passons-Ahh...the sweet smell of cleanliness...

*Nikki looks at him oddly,then realizes they are in a laundromat,so it therefore would smell clean*

Cherie-Ahh,the dynamic duo.Long told me you were coming.Please step into my back office and I'll give you a few helpful items.

*All three step into the back room.Cherie presses a button and it suddenly turns into a chemistry lab.*

Passons-You're a chemist too huh?

Cherie-Part time chemist Passons.First of all,I have these for you.*Holds up two slap wrist bands*

Passons-OK...what do we use slap wrist bands for on this mission?To slap someone in the face if they're not nice to us?

Cherie-Aha!Cleverly disguised as slap wrist bands,but they are really audio and visual communicator's.You can contact any one with a walkie-talkie or some other kind of communications device.

Hassman-Very nice Adams...what else ya got?

Cherie-This stuff is for Michael.*Holds up a jar that has a label that says flubber*Its for your shoes.Just slip some on,jump and you can reach well...quite lofty heights.And for you Nikki I have boomerang head bands.Throw them at the subject,and they will return to you like a boomerang.They come in a variety of colors,so they can match your every outfit.

Hassman-What will they think of next?Speaking of which..what else ya got for us?

Cherie-This is my latest concauction.*holds up a container that says playdough on the front*


Cherie-Actually,I call it slap dough,but slap it on the subjects face (it will not hurt them)and it will stick for a few moments,long enough for you guys to get away safely.Oh,and before you go,take these.*Hands Passons and Hassman two Super Soaker 3000's*Janna wanted you to have em for protection.

Passons-Cool!I've always wanted a super soaker!Ya know I could get some serious pay back time with this thing...*girls both look at him strange*At the bad guys of course.

Cherie-Not to play with.These are only in case you guys get in a jam.OK.Get going.New York awaits...

*Hassman and Passons exit and begin their drive to New York City from Atalnta.*


*Scene-Papa John in his office located under a dumpster behind McDonalds,Low-Z is with him*

Papa John-So where is the present location of Nikki's single trial release for her album?I can't wait to listen to it and then publish it world-wide on the internet,ruining her whole "suprise thing" goin on.

Low Z-Duh..what's location mean?

Papa John-Where the cd is presently?

Low Z-You mean its a birthday present for someone?Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

Papa John-No you idiot!The cd!Who has it!!??

Low Z-What cd?

Papa John-Nikki Hassman's trial release for her first album!!

Low Z-Who's Nikki Hassman?

Papa John-Why did I even hire you?

Low Z-Maybe because I was homeless on the street and I ended up on your doorstep and I had no employment and you were nice enough to let me in and I had to work for you if I wanted to stay alive.

Papa John-Just tell me who has the cd Z!!

Low Z-What cd?

Papa John-Doh!

Low Z-Oh you mean that cd!Ya Jack's got it.

*Jaci/Jack enters*

Papa John-Ahh at last.Jack,where is "my" cd?

Jack-Sorry PJ.But I don't have the cd.I gave it to Smitty.He's on the east coast.I just got word that two agents are on their way to New York City right now to begin their pursue.

Papa John-Smitty?!He'll lose it surely!Go back and get it!

Jack-Will do PJ.I'll let you know when I have it.

Papa John-Since when did you take up this calling me PJ?You never did before.

Jack-Picked up the lingo in New York.See ya later PJ.

*Jack exits.Removes sunglasses to reveal that it is not Jaci/Jack*


Part II

*Scene-Passons and Hassman are driving on the Brooklyn Bridge when they hear Long on their communicators*

Long-Passons,Hassman.Long here.Pay attention.I have an update.


Long-You are supposed to meet Private eye,Wilson at a Starbucks coffee shop on 126th street.Just look for a chick at a four chair table,reading a newspaper.Long-Run out.

Hassman-So its a her...feelin out-numbered yet Passons?

Passons-I've been out-numbered ever since I met you.You're like three women in one you're so talkative!

*Nikki slaps his wrist (while they are at a stoplight of course) with her "slap wrist communicator"*


Hassman-Serves ya right,blondey!

Passons-Hey!Look who's talkin'!

Hassman-End of conversation!

*Scene-Passons and Hassman arrive on 126th street and park.They locate the Starbucks and walk inside.*

Passons-Ahh...the sweet smell of fresh heavenly.

Hassman-Are you always like this Passons?

Passons-Only when I smell somethin' good I am.

Hassman-Uh huh.Oh look.*points to a four chair table where a chick with sunglasses on is reading a newspaper*That must be her.

*Both walk over to the table*

Passons-Excuse me.Are you-

Wilson-(without looking up at them)Private Eye Wilson.Fox,preferably.I already know about you two.Long gave me the inside info this morning.

Hassman-I see.Are you the reliable scource Long mentioned to us about the mission?

Wilson-Do you always believe what is said to you?But in this case,yes I am.If you will step outside with me,I'll give you the information.

*All three go outside*

Wilson-I recently found out,that someone else has the cd.It is technically in Papa John's possesion,but another one of his secret agents has it of which he has two of.The one who has it presently is called "Smitty".I have no idea who that is.So I was hoping one of you two would know.

Passons-The name sounds familiar.Can't put my finger on it though.

Wilson-Hmm.Well,we better get going.We'll stop at my local hot dog vender for more information.

Hassman-Hot dog vender?How can you get inside info from a hot dog vender?

Wilson-Blondey.You have so much to learn about the city.

Passons-Don't ya know Hassman?Every one who works in New York city can be an inside informationist.Yes even a hot dog vender!Although you don't see much of this in Atlanta.

Wilson-Right.But we need to go,and we need to go now.

Hassman-OK then.We can get in the car and I guess you can drive cuz you're the only one who knows where this hot dog vender is.

*All three get in car.Wilson at the wheel.Passons in passenger seat.Hassman in back.*

Passons-So who is the other secret agent besides this "Smitty" guy?

Wilson-Jaci Valesquez.They all call her Jack.Says she's the best of the two,although I don't think so.

*Hassman and Passons exchange a confused look*

Hassman-Jaci?How could she?!She's spanish!And with a guy's nickname at that!Eeek!

Wilson-I take it you've heard of her too.And that's another thing.Since you have these special communicator's,you will have to speak in a name code.

Passons-A name code?

Wilson-Yes.Like I mentioned earlier,I prefer to be called Fox.That is my name in the code.

Hassman-Ya.On the way down here I noticed that Janna used a different nickname at the end of her transmission.She said Long run I think.Is that her code name too?

Wilson-Yes.Janna on communicator's devices is referred to as Long Run.You guys will have to choose names for yourselves.Make sure they are not to easy to figure out.

Hassman-Umm.Nick at nite!Yes.Cuz my name's Nikki,and I love to work at night.

Passons(puts on sunglasses)-Mr.P.Short and sweet.Oh yeah...

Wilson-OK then.From now on you will be called those names,except when we are talking like this.But I want you to call me Fox at all times.No acceptions.

Hassman(whispering to Michael)-Whoo...somebody's got an attitude problem.

Wilson-Hey!I heard that!We're almost there.Let me do the talking.

*Car stops.All three get out and start there way to a hot dog stand*

Hot dog vender-Good afternoon folks!What can I get ya?A corn dog maybe?Or perhaps you'd like today's special...ahh.You three must be new!

Wilson-You know who I am Hot dog.But you may not know the other two.This is secret agent,Passons.And this is Nikki Hassman,spy extraordinaire.

Hot dog-Oh!I've heard of you two.Hey Hassman's the one who's cd was stolen right?

Hassman-How did you know that?

Hot dog-I'm in association with Private eye,Wilson's corporation.She heads it up,and she hired me to work for her and get secret info from off the streets.

Hassman-I want proof!You could be just like any other hot dog vender in this city!

Wilson-Show her your ID Hot dog.

*Hot dog pulls out his ID from his pocket.Hassman examines it and approves of it*

Wilson-OK Hot dog.You've been out on the streets this week and you know all the commotion out there don't ya?

Hot dog-Oh I know a lot!

Wilson-OK then.Who and where is Smitty?

*While Hot dog ponders,Michael W.Smith enters the scene un-noticed except to Passons*


Part III

Passons-Hey Mike!

MWS-Howdy Mike!

Passons-What's up with you man?

MWS-Not a whole lot.Just keepin an eye on things.

Passons-Same here.Hey man.Stay cool now.

MWS-You too bro!*walks off*

Hassman-What were you doing?Who were ya talkin to?

Passons-Oh just a good friend.

Wilson-Who was it Passons?

Passons-Just Michael W.Smith that's all.

Hot dog-That's him!That's the guy!

*All exchange a quick look and dash off in the direction "Smitty" went*

Hot dog(yells)-Ya sure ya don't want a hot dog?

Hassman(yells)-No thanks!We'll be back,and I'll get one later!

*They all continue running,but none of them can see Smitty anymore*

Passons-I totally forgot Smitty was his nickname!

Wilson-Well.Like it or not.We're gonna have to pick up on his trail.And I know just how to do it.

*Scene-Smitty is an abandoned building and contacts Papa John on his communications device cleverly disguised as his cell phone.(Now that's smart


Papa John-You what?!!?

Smitty-I had a brief encounter with them sir.But I got away,they couldn't keep up with me.Legs of steel sir!

Papa John-I don't care what your legs are made of!Just get that cd to me or its your cell phone!

Smitty-NOO!!Don't do that!Don't take my cell phone!I'll do whatever you want me to just don't take my cell phone!

Papa John-Where are you at?

Smitty-Off of 119th street,in an abandoned building.

Papa John-Well,I want you back here ASAP.We are going to think of a plan to get one of them.And who was all in the group?You said there was three other than the hot dog vender.

Smitty-Right.There was Hassman,Passons,and some other chick.I've never seen her before.

Papa John-OK.Just get over to HQ and we will begin our devious little plot to get them!Bwa ha ha!

Smitty-Whatever you say sir.*hangs up*Why didn't I apply for a different role?

Part IV

Hassman-So,now where are we going?

Wilson-To get secret information from some one.*cell phone rings*Excuse me.*Walks away from Passons and Hassman*Yeah?

Papa John-Hey Jack.We need you back at HQ pronto!We are devising a plan to eliminate our adversaries.I just talked to Smitty,and he said that he's on 119th street,and headed for HQ.He was chased down by Hassman,Passons and some other chick that he has never seen before.Probably not me either.So get back here immediately.

Wilson-Sure thing PJ.I'll be right down.Give me a half hour.I'm on the other side of town so it might take a while.Jack out.*hangs up*

Passons*confused*-Did you say "Jack"?I thought your nick name was "Fox"?

Wilson-Too complex for you to understand Passons.But for now,get in the car.We've got to go pay someone a visit.

Hassman-Who?!For goodness sakes who?!!?

Wilson-Why even bother asking Hassman.You know I won't tell you.*smiles and climbs in the driver seat**Passons shrugs his shoulders and gets in,Hassman as well*

*They drive for about ten minutes and arrive at an old building*

Passons-This looks promising.What's here Wilson?

Wilson-HQ,and our ticket to that CD.*Steps inside.Hassman and Passons follow.They walk down many corridors til they reach a facility that's very high tech.*

Hassman-Wow...fancy!We need this kind of stuff back in Atlanta!

Wilson-This way.*Walks to a door,opens it and allows Passons and Hassman inside with her**Inside is a chick in a chair,a sofa,bed,kitchen,all the essentials,except for a phone*


Jaci-You were expecting Jacks Pizza?

Wilson-Enough.All right Valasquez...where is your HQ?Talk or its the moon pie in your face!

Nikki-Ooo!Moon pies!Sounds good to me!Where do I sign up?

Passons-Yeah yeah yeah!Me too me too!

Jaci-I refuse to tell you.And that's final!

Wilson-Talk!Or I'll just go up there as you again and get that cd myself!

Nikki-Wait a minute.This whole time you've been Jaci/Jack?

Wilson-I am really Wilson,but I have been im-personating her at HQ side base.

Passons-So why do you need to know where HQ is if you already do?

Wilson-Once again that's the side base.The reserves if you will.Its the main base I don't know the location of.

Passons-Oh..I see.Its all peaches and creme to me now.*Wilson looks at him funny*So uhh.Yeah!Where is HQ Valasquez?Or its two moon pies in that face of yours!

Nikki-Make that three to ruin your perfect make up!

Jaci-OK ok!I'll talk.Any thing to spare my make up!Its on the left of 55th street.

Wilson-Just to make sure you're telling the truth,we'll add another pie to the count.

Jaci-OK!Its on the right!Its on the right!!

Wilson-Thank you Miss.Valasquez.Here's somethin' to live on til I come back.*slaps pie in Jaci's face*

Jaci-Ahhh!!My beautiful face!!Hey..this is good!Can I have more?

*Wilson,Hassman,and Passons stand with the 'not yet' look on their faces*

Jaci-Please?*Pies fly in her face and her clothes are a mess with berries*Thank you!

Passons-Well,let's go I guess gang!That cd awaits!

Hassman-Oh yes!I had almost forgotten the whole point to this mission!Ha!I'm an airhead,what can I say?

Wilson-No kidding.Let's go gang!*Leaves good guys HQ and begin to drive down to bad guys HQ**Wilson stops the car*Stay out here you two.I'll contact you eventually.

Hassman-But what about my cd?What should we do?We can't just sit out here in the car!

Wilson-Oh yes you can.*winks and walks inside*

Passons-That's not fair!We should be able to do something else other than just sittin out here!

Hassman-Hey!Ya wanna play hide and go seek?You're it!

Passons-OK.I'll count to thirty.Go..1..2..3...*Hassman gets out of the car and goes and hides*27...28...29...30.Ready or not here I come!*goes to look for Hassman*

*Scene inside.Wilson/Jack is walking down the hallway's getting nods and hey's from the different people at their desks.She finally enters PJ's office*

Jaci/Wilson-What's this big "secret plan" about PJ?

Papa John-Well Jack.Its starts off as this.I already told you that Hassman,Passons and this other chick were hot on Smitty here's trail.*Looks to Smitty.Jaci/Wilson nods hey*So we suspect that they'll be coming here to get the cd.But..heh heh heh.We're gonna catch em and make em suffer by looking at our insurance plan and making them work for us!Brilliant isn't it?All my idea!All mine!

Jaci/Wilson-Good idea PJ.But with who,when,and how are ya gonna capture them?

Papa John-I've got Z and a couple other little people down there handling the situation right now.On patrol in other words.

*Meanwhile...back with Passons and Hassman*

Hassman-He he he!He'll never be able to find me!

Unknown person-Who won't?

Hassman-Michael.I'm too smart!

Unknown Person-Hmm.Apparently I beat him to ya.Cuz I win,and you're mine Hassman!

Hassman-Hey-!You're not Michael!*clicks on communicator*Passons!Help!I've been found,and not by you!

Passons-What?Nikki!*Hassman's communicator goes dead*Hassman!!*Michael hides in the trunk of the car,so he's not found*

*Back with Jaci/Wilson,PJ,and Smitty.Their conversation by the sudden burst in through the doorway*

Low Z-Yay!We got her boss!We really got her!Now do I get my moon pie?

Papa John-In a moment Z.But where are the other two?There is supposed to be three.You only have one!

Low Z-Sorry boss.But we couldn't find the other two.But we got her and the cd now don't we boss and that means I get my moon pie!

Papa John-OK.You can have your moon pie.But I still want those other two found and brought here!

Smitty-I'll go!I can find em!

Papa John-No.I'll send Jack.But thanks for your enthousiasm Smitty.So,you heard me Jack.Get goin.

Jaci/Wilson-Will do PJ.I'll be back...*Exits the room and the building.Looks in the car and does not see Passons.Clicks on her communicator.*Passons.Where the heck are you?I told you to stay in the car!

Passons*on communicator*-But I am in the car!

Wilson-What?!No you are not!At least I can't see that you are...*observes interior of the car*

Passons-I'm in the trunk Wilson.Hear that loud noise coming from the back?Now let me out of here!

*Wilson walks over to the trunk,unlocks it and let's Passons out*

Wilson-What the heck were you doing in the trunk Passons?

Passons-I was hiding so that those bad guys wouldn't find me too.But they've got Nikki now,and who knows what kind of torture she's being put through.How was she caught anyway?And who caught her?

Wilson-Z...Low Z.Papa John's sort of dumb right hand man you could say.Don't understand a thing.But I'm suprised he pulled it off.But I have been technically sent to bring in the enemy.And that I am going to do.They are going to announce that cd in a few hours,so we need to go pay a visit to my partner and his buddy Cookie.

Passons-You have a partner?

Wilson-Don't all agents?

Passons-Who is it?

Wilson-Some one you'll be suprised at.*Wilson and Passons get in the car and drive off*

Part V

Papa John-Good afternoon Hassman.So nice of you to drop in.*smiles*

Hassman-You interrupted my game of hide and seek which I was going to win!Its all your fault!All yours!Yours yours,all yours!!

Smitty-Aren't you more concerned about your cd?

Hassman-What cd?Oh yeah!I keep forgetting the whole point to this mission is my cd.So,yeah!Hand it over PJ!

Papa John-We'll give it back,as soon as we publish it on the internet!Bwa ha ha ha!Which will be at 8:00 o'clock,and that's in three hours.So for now until then,would you like to look at our health plan?

Hassman-What do you mean health plan?You tryin to convert me to the bad guys or somethin'?Well it ain't gonna work PJ!*Health plan is shoved in her face* guys have really good benefits!Any other types of plans I can see?

Low Z-Of course!My favorite is the moon pie plan!After you've worked here for a year you get a free moon pie at the beginning of every month!Quite a benefit I'll say!

Smitty-What?!!I've been in the buisness for five years and I've never gotten one!Where's that plan?!Give me give me give me!

Papa John-Why didn't you just ask?

Smitty-I'm always the last to know about everything.But the only thing that I found out before any one else is my favorite plan.And that's the free nights and weekends plan on my cell phone!Great I'll say!

Hassman-Ooo.I am quite intrigued!Show me show me!*continues to look over the different special plans*

*Scene.Wilson and Passons arrive at a kid's carnival at Central Park.They both step out of the car and Passons once again takes in the air around him*

Passons-Ahh...I love the smell of cotton candy!

Wilson-*grins*That's what I like about you Passons.You observe the area around you,even if it does have to do with food.Ahh..there's my partner right over there.*looks in the direction of a clown and a sweet stand near by*

Passons-The clown is your partner?

Wilson-Technically he is,but he's an expert at distractions.Hey Jo!

Jody-Hey Fox!Want a balloon?They are only a quarter today.

Wilson-No thanks Jo,but I want you to meet Secret Agent Passons.Partner to Nikki Hassman.The chick whose CD was stolen.

Jody-Oh.I've heard of you and that Nikki chick.So I guess you've come to talk buisness then,not politics right?

Wilson-Right.*looks around*Where's Cookie?He's in on this too.

Cookie-Right here Foxy!I heard some one say they smelled cotton candy.I'm givin away free samples!

Wilson-How many times have I told you not to call me "Foxy".Ya know it aggrivates me.But yeah,its this guy who wants the cotton candy.*looks to Passons*

Passons-Ooo!Yeah!I'll take some...mmm...this is yummy!You have interesting co-workers Wilson.

Wilson-Listen you guys.Cookie,I need my stash of secret stuff and Jo...


Wilson-I may need you in this mission.

Jody-Name it,you got it!*Wilson whispers in Jody's ear what she wants him to do.*I'll be there!You can count on me to save the day!

Wilson-Rrrright Jo.I can count on you I'm sure.*smiles as she squirts him with her hand held squirt gun*Haha!Finally got ya back!

Jody-Thank you...I didn't need that.

*Cookie comes back with Wilson's "stuff" in a brief case*

Cookie-Here's your secret stash Wilson.Need any thing else?

Wilson-Yes actually.Do you know any secret or weak spots of bad guys main HQ?

Passons-How would he know?

Wilson-Somethin you ought to know Passons is that Cookie here used to be part of the bad guy alliance.But he joined us,and became a good guy.He's another secret informationist for me.

Passons-Ohh.I wanna see some ID!

Wilson-What all does it take to get you people to believe me?Go ahead Cookie,whip out your ID.

*Passons observes the ID card and approves it*

Passons-Okie were saying?

Cookie-But back to those weak areas,I'll show ya on the map here.*shows Passons and Wilson different locations in the building that they can use for safe cover,and hiding places.But he's still perplexed why they need to be so hidden and why Wilson just can't go in as Valasquez again*

Wilson-To tell ya the honest truth,not only do we need to retrieve the CD,we need to retrieve Hassman too.And I can't go in again,cuz they wouldn't buy my act that I couldn't find the other "enemy adversaries".So,we need to go undercover.And I trust all my stuff is in order?

Jody-Just like you left it,only up to perfection!

Wilson-Thank you.We better go Passons.They are going to publish that cd in a little over an hour so we need to hurry.*starts walking towards the car*Oh and Jo,I'm counting on you!

Jody-Will do partner!Happy ''breaking in"!

Cookie-See ya later Foxy!Good luck!

Wilson-For heavens sake Cookie!*squirts him from long range in the face**Drives off headed for bad guys main HQ*


Part VI

Papa John-I see you like our everlasting make up plan and free nights and weekends cell phone plan Hassman.Would you like to have these yourself so you can benefit such things?

Hassman-I'll never give in to you evil cd stealer's who publish innocent artists like myself cd's before they are even majorly released!You're a bunch a meanies if ya ask me!But I really really like this everlasting make up plan.Any possible way I can get this back at good guys HQ?

Papa John-I don't think so Hassman.But then I guess you'll have to suffer by watching us in exactly an hour publish your one and only trial release CD on the internet!Bwa ha ha ha!

Hassman-You call that torture?

Papa John-This is supposed to be a comedy,not a freak you out story.Besides,the writer is writing here!Ya don't like it,you can take it up with her right now.

*Nikki looks up at writer*

Nikki-OK.On second thought,I think that's very reasonable.But how can you do this?Publishing my cd worldwide without my permission?Scandelous!(dramatic enough for ya miss.writer?)

Writer-Just peachy Nikki.*Exit writer*

*Scene.Wilson and Passons are five minutes from bad guy HQ when they are discussing their devices that they will use for this mission.*

Wilson-What all do you have Passons?I need to know our assets so both you and I can be prepared with what we need.

Passons-Let's see.Umm,we have the communicator thingies.Very useful for slapping people,trust me from experience!And for me,Adams gave me this flubber type stuff.

Wilson-Is that the stuff you put on your shoes and you jump and you can reach quite lofty heights?

Passons-Yeah.How'd ya know?

Wilson-I've used it before,and it almost killed me.But you can probably handle it better anyway.What else do you have?

Passons-She gave these boomerang headbands to Nikki.She has them with her I hope.And we've also got this really cool thing called slap dough!Ya slap it on the subject,and run.And last but certainly not least,the super soaker 3000's!Thaz what I'm talkin about!What all do you have?

Wilson-I see Cherie came up with some interesting things for you guys.Let's see I have of course my stun gun.Cable gun,a device that shoots out a rope/cable and hooks so you can climb,or it'll pull ya up.My squirt gun,quite useful in the palm of my hand.My rope cutter,or a knife that only works on ropes.My communicator,and my most useful weapon,Jo.How many of those super soaker's do ya have?

Passons-You're in luck.Two.You can take one,and I'll take the other.

Wilson-That works.OK.We're here.*Passons and Wilson get out,get their gear.* Ready Passons?

Passons-Let's rock and roll!

Wilson*chuckles*-You are soo old fashion Passons.C'mon.This way.*leads to the side of the building in tree cover*

Passons-Hey!Its only because I'm older than you.And-What are you doing?

Wilson-Climbing a tree.What does it look like?Care to join me?

Passons-Uhh...that's ok.I'm not exactly the best climber.I'll just use my flubber stuff.

Wilson-Suit yourself.Don't blame me if you get hurt.*continues climbing*

*Passons is a bit un-easy,but puts on the flubber stuff anyway and prepares to jump*

Passons-To infinity and beyond!*jumps up.hits a tree limb and bounces back down,then up again bumping his head on the branch,and conitinues*Oww!Oww!Oww!Oww!I...Oww!Can't...Oww!..Stop Oww!

Wilson-Just reach for the limb next time Passons,grab hold of it then slowly let yourself down.

*Passons does so and is back on the ground*

Passons-OK.Let's try this again away from the trees.*ahem*To infinity and beyond!*jumps up again,and grabs hold of the side of the building and pulls himself up on to the top.Looks over the edge for Wilson,and doesn't see her*Wilson..where are you Wilson?Oh man...I think she fell.Wilson!Everything OK?


Part VII

Wilson-Looking for someone Passons?

*Passons turns around and sees that Wilson had actually beat him to the top.*

Passons-How could you possibly beat me up here?

Wilson-Well for one,I didn't bounce up and down a million times into a tree branch and have to mess with that stuff.And I am an expert climber.But that doesn't matter right now Passons.We have a half hour til that CD goes global so let's move!

*Meanwhile...back with Hassman and the bad guys*

Papa John-Only twenty-eight minutes Hassman.Ee hee hee!

Hassman-Oh where the heck are they???

Smitty-Who?Where's who?

Hassman-My partner and this other chick.

Smitty-Are you talkin about the other chick that was with you guys earlier when you were all chasing me?

Hassman-Yeah.Wilson is her name.But you would know her better as Jack.

Papa John-What?What do you mean "Jack"??

Hassman-Oops.Me and my big mouth.

Papa John-You mean to say I've sent the enemy out to get the enemy when they ARE the enemy!?

Hassman-That's it in a nutshell.

Smitty-Then where is the real Jack?

Hassman-This time I'm going to keep my mouth shut.But we've got her.And I ain't gonna tell you where!*sticks tongue out*

Papa John-Fine then!We'll just publish that CD in ten minutes!Bwa ha ha ha!

Nikki-I thought you people were on some type of schedule?

Papa John-Oh yeah.We are aren't we?Oh well,we'll just say in ten minutes its eight o'clock OK?


*Back with Wilson and Passons*

Wilson-C'mon!Ya big chicken!It isn't that dirty!

Passons-But what about spiders and such?!I don't like those little things.

Wilson-Does anybody Passons?Now come on!You're supposed to be the brave one of the bunch cuz you are the guy.So,quit your whinin' and get in here.

Passons-OK...I guess I do have an important role bein' the guy and all.*climbs down into a vent like area where they have to crawl.*I think I'm just a bit too big.

Wilson-You're fine Passons.Now crawl,and follow my lead.There will be many different ways to go,so follow me or you'll get lost.

Passons-Yes mother.*continues to follow Wilson through the "tunnel" until they reach a screen*

Wilson-Just like Cookie said.*points to a gap in-between the two walkways.Too big a gap to just jump over*This where my cable gun comes in.

Passons-What?!What are you gonna do?

Wilson-Watch and learn.*She removes the screen and crawls out,looks for any guards or people about,and sees no one.*OK Passons,all clear.Now to that gap.

*Wilson takes out her cable gun and launches it,hooking it to the air shaft up above and swings over ot the other side.**Passons is left in amazement*

Passons-How-How did you do that?

Wilson-Easy.Here,catch!*tosses cable gun over to Passons,and he barely catches it.*

Passons-OK.Here goes!*launches cable and holds on for dear life,and pretends for a moment he's Tarzan*

Wilson-C'mon Passons!We don't have all day.

*Passons quickly reaches the other side,retracts the cable and the two are off running again.They approach Papa John's office and over hear the commotion inside.*

Papa John-Just five more minutes Hassman!Ready to sign this make up plan yet?

Passons*whisper*-Five minutes.*looks at his watch*But its only 7:45!Maybe I need new batteries or somethin'.

Wilson-They must have shortened the time period,in order to rush things.Oh Jo,where the heck are ya??



*While Papa John and his co-workers continue to babble about how they will profit from the publication of Hassman's CD,she spots Passons and Wilson peeking around the corner.They motion for her to keep quiet and that they were going to figure something out*

Papa John-Its almost time Hassman.What do you say we go ahead and put the CD in the drive?Just to be ready.*inserts the CD in the computer drive to download to the internet*

Hassman-You'll never get away with this you evil doers!

*Just then,a clown pops in the room and begins his act*


Hassman-What the-?

McBrayer-Hey howdy hey people!Would you like a balloon?Would you?Would you?*begins to hand out balloons to every one in the room,except for Hassman.Passons,and Wilson of course*

Wilson*whisper*-That a boy Jo!

Papa John-What is a clown doing in my office??

*Wilson takes the opprotunity and enters the office un-noticed to free Hassman,with Passons standing guard*

Smitty-Actually...he's kind of amusing!

Low Z-Yeah!!He's funny!Tell a joke!!!


*Wilson is behind Hassman's chair,cutting calmly,but hurriedly at the ropes*

Papa John-Ya gonna tell the joke or what?

Jody-Why do we eat turkey at Thanksgiving?

*Bad guys ponder*

Passons-So we can gobble it down!Haha-!



Papa John-Wha-?What are you doin here??Get them!

*Smitty and Z jump to their feet.Smitty dropping his cel phone,and Z dropping his moon pie*

Smitty-AHH!!My phone!!*bends down to pick it up*

Low Z-Dah!!My moon pie!*attempts to pick it up,but its all over the floor.*

Wilson-OK Hassman!Go!

*Hassman quickly stands up,while Passons and Wilson are literally raining down water on Z,Smitty,and PJ.*

Passons-Get the CD Nikki!!

Hassman-Oh yeah!Almost forgot again!Sillay me!*makes a dash for the CPU,but PJ is guarding the disk drive.She takes out her head band and throws it his direction,making him fall on the floor.She retrieves the CD,and hides it away in her purse.(all women carry one!)*Once again,Nikki Hassman Spy Extraordinaire triumphs!

Wilson-Sure thing Hassman.*Finishes handcuffing all the bad guys,and turns em over to Long and Adams who just arrived.*

Adams-So what ya want us to do with em Fox?

Wilson-You guys take Smitty and Z.Since I've already got Jaci,I'll take her.As for PJ,I think we can find a place for him at the local Moon Pie plant.*grins wickedly*

Papa John-NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!*dragged off by Adams*

Passons-Well Wilson.*Turns around to shake Wilson's hand*It's been a pleasure working with you.*Stops when he doesn't see her*

Hassman-Where'd she go?*looks around for Wilson*

Long-Who knows.

Jo-D-Off to fight the bad guys,as usual.

*Wilson walks down a long hallway and disappears*



What happened to Wilson at the end? She just snuck away and headed back to base in Hawaii.

What did Smitty,Jaci,and Z end up as? They all turned out to be fine secret agents under the tutelage of Nikki Hassman,spy extraordinaire.

Earlier in the story,they were told to use name code the entire way.Why didn't you follow through with that? Just didn't cross my mind I guess.But,hey,the story is still intact without it.